Features | Is Owning a Car and Short Term Car Leasing Mutually Exclusive?

Is Owning a Car and Short Term Car Leasing Mutually Exclusive?

Is Owning a Car and Short Term Car Leasing Mutually Exclusive?

When a person needs access to a car for a few weeks or longer, they usually either buy or lease, and like ‘custard or cream?’ or ‘brown sauce or ketchup?’ this choice is usually mutually exclusive. However, when it comes to vehicles, there are certain circumstances where the options may not be yin and yang. Here are 5 circumstances where short term car leasing can actually complement your current car ownership or the decision to buy a vehicle.

Testing the Goods

Have you ever tried on a pair of shoes in a shop, decided they are perfect and then during the first time out wearing them, they give you a blister? This is exactly the same as a new vehicle, except a little more expensive, unless you are Sarah Jessica Parker! How you feel about a car during a short test drive may not be the same as the reality of driving it around on a regular basis.

Short term car leasing can allow you the luxury of having a car similar to the one you are thinking of purchasing for a decent period of time before committing to it long term. Some companies will provide contracts for as little as 28 days.

Why Wait?

Depending on the manufacturer and the custom specifications, a new car can take anything from 2 weeks to 52 weeks to be delivered. This is a long time to wait for a new vehicle. Short term car leasing allows you access to a brand new vehicle with a similar spec, or something a little different if you prefer, during the interim period. Contract terms will also allow you to return the car any time after 28 days. This allows peace of mind that you can return the vehicle if you receive your new car earlier than expected.

Fit for Purpose

Your current car may suit your circumstances for 99% of the time, but there is always that 1% where it may not be fit for purpose. For example, a rear wheel drive vehicle may provide the perfect driving experience for most of the year, but will struggle in wintery conditions. Alternatively, a Mini Metro may be your car of choice, but you may need something a little roomier if you are moving locations or are going on road trip. Car leasing allows you access to an alternative which matches your temporary requirements.

New to Driving

There is often an initial feeling of delight when your child passes their driving test. However, this is usually followed by the realisation that you may have to hand over the keys to your pride and joy to your pride and joy.

It is often said that you don’t truly learn to drive until after you have passed your test, so is it really sensible to give a new driver access to the main family car whilst they are learning the ropes? You can always buy them an old banger of course, but it isn’t always practical to have 2 or more vehicles for the one home. An alternative option is to lease a car short term, until they find their feet and you trust them enough to drive the family motor.

Living the Dream

Once in a while, it is nice to treat yourself. Your dream car may not be affordable or practical day-to-day, but short term leasing can provide you with a taste of the lifestyle of your aspirations. At least for a month or two!


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